Wednesday, October 29, 2008

It's a GIRL, that's a FRIEND

I remember when I was in high school when I had a TON of guy friends. No, not Boyfriends (believe it or not I wasn't the school slut) Guys that were friends. I would say it over and over to my parents. Somehow I didn't think that they believed me....but that is what they were. Yes, I had BOYFRIENDS too. Actual going steady not seeing anyone else come over and make out on my couch BOYFRIENDS. But then there were the one's that were just friends.

Well my son has one of those over....RIGHT NOW. A girl. That's in his class. But not a GIRLFRIEND. And now I know how my parents felt when I had one of my guy friends (boys that were just friends) over. torture.

I'm on my 2nd glass of wine with my ear against the basement door.

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