I have an aching lower back. Now this could be because a number of reasons. (I choose not to blame my brand new gorgeous king size mattress). So I am thinking of every other way my back could be hurting.
(a) I'm getting old. I have to admit it, my body just doesn't feel like it did when I was 23. (even though everyone at Schnucks thinks I'm 23 and card me when I buy wine. Thanks Schnucks. I will always love you.)
(b) My new mattress ( I said I was choosing to ignore this option, but needed to list it anyways.)
(c) My office chair. Since I sit at my desk for 8+ hours and have no lumbar (what exactly is a lumbar?) support.
This week I choose (C). So I have been complaining that my chair is enabling my brain to register, "Ouch, lower back hurts." and just bitching about it doesn't make it better. So on Tuesday I had a meeting with the head product designer, a rhinestone designer, and the owner of the company to discuss some product development. (we're going through a slow time so why not keep the art director busy with product design) The chairs in the conference room are SOOOO comfortable AND have lumbar lower back support. I love these chairs. I didn't want the meeting to end. So, of course, my non-filter mouth stated, "I want this chair. It's so much better than my chair at my desk." The owner then responded, " You should take it then, you sit at your desk most of the day."
She is the owner, so I listened to her.
And yesterday, I gave the chair back. I just felt bad about taking a conference room chair. What makes the new girl so special? (plus, still trying to make friends here, don't want to piss anyone off.)